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กระทู้: Is there any role of Tech in Learning by Memorizat

Is there any role of Tech in Learning by Memorizat 3 เดือน 4 สัปดาห์ ที่ผ่านมา #522847

  • Allinsider
  • รูปประจำตัวของ Allinsider
Yes, tech has a role in learning by memorization nyt. Technology improves learning by memorization through tools like apps and online platforms that use spaced repetition, interactive quizzes, and mnemonic devices to improve retention. Digital flashcards and educational games make memorization engaging, while AI-driven analytics provide personalized feedback and adaptive learning paths. Additionally, tech facilitates access to vast resources, enabling learners to practice and reinforce knowledge consistently and effectively​​. This integration of technology supports both traditional memorization techniques and innovative educational strategies.
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